Hello everyone Jaysie Sheppard here, and I know it's been a few months since I had a blog but I'm back!!! I have known in my heart that God wanted me to express to all women how beautiful we are inside and out, but I struggled with this topic when it comes to beauty in the Mind. I knew when he told me to write about this a few months ago that it was important that we all women understand how beautiful our minds are and the thinking within our mind has major aspect of how we identify ourselves with God. I struggled with this because I knew deep down inside I had a lot of stinking thinking. My mind was not beautiful because I chose to keep ugly thoughts on the daily running in my head. Then I realized recently how I devalued my mind. I am not talking about knowledge, education, and wisdom which gives our minds beauty as well, but the thoughts I will let sit next to the wisdom of God in me. The thoughts that had “no evidence of truth”, is what a great known professor said. “When your having anxiety or depression I would like for you to ask yourself one question, Where is the Evidence?” He was saying that what evidence do I have to think that it is true. Do you know the future, can you read that person's mind, did you see that with your own eyes? What evidence do we have ladies to think so ugly about ourselves or others?
TD Jakes used a term in one of his sermons called “sensual thinking”. This is when your thinking about everything that's around you and you worry without ever getting a conclusion. I was doing exactly that today. This is when your constantly thinking of negative things and getting no conclusion and it goes over and over in my mind. I can say if God was looking at my mind it was not the beautiful princess he always sees me. My mind was ugly, because I was choosing to think ugly. Are our minds reflecting the same beautiful image that God describes us in the word of God? This Scripture I believe from a athletes perspective is quite useful for me because it's all action words. “That you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. Therefore, putting away lying, “ Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,” for we are members of one another. “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil.” Ephesians 4:22-27 NKJV This has given me almost a brand new outfit to wear in my mind. Now I can dress my mind up with beautiful thoughts and beautiful jewelry of thinking. This is a process but if you continue in this chapter God gives us tools to think beautifully. So ladies finish reading the rest of Ephesians in this chapter and let's discuss how we will use these tools to think beautifully about things even when someone has hurt us. We need to strengthen ourselves first in order to be a beautiful mind for others as well. Blessings , Jaysie Sheppard.
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In Proverbs 31:10 it says “she is more precious than rubies. “ When I read that scripture it makes me valuable.
I remember a story my mom told me. It was in Louisiana November 15th 2009 when I was born. I wasn't breathing at first , then at the top of my lungs I was crying. My mom was so happy. After she said "Esther" I turned my head right at her and cried more. For now on she calls me her Halo. That makes me feel more valuable than rubies. My mom named me Esther because it means Hadassah, which means beautiful flower in Hebrew. My full name is Niveah Esther Sheppard and it means smooth skin, beautiful flower and a star. Now I know why I'm more valuable than rubies, inside and out, and that makes me beautiful. By Niveah Esther Sheppard Hello everyone Jaysie Sheppard here with Beauty all alone, because you were made in God's image and that alone is enough. Today I want all of us to comment and talk about Beauty In The Bible. I did some research and I saw that the word Beauty is mentioned some say 49 times in the bible. I started to think when is God using this word, and who or what was he describing? Sorry men I never seen God describing men, but yes ladies God uses this word to describe us when he talks about women.
A definition of the word beauty is, “a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.” This is how God describes us when he particularly made women. We have great qualities, colors and shape. God made sure that these qualities then pleases the aesthetic senses and sight of others when someone looks at us. Wow pretty much that's why Adam said Wo!! Man !!! I just love that I was made a woman and God uses this word beauty to personally describe me, and to describe women all over the world. So I challenge you ladies today to find scriptures in the bible that have the word beauty in it and see what is being described. Ask yourself why you are in such a wonderful category of what is being described as beauty. Please comment and post these scriptures, and let us encourage each other of being wonderfully, and beautifully made. “Why is your lover better than all others, O woman of rare beauty?” Song of Songs 5:9 NLT https://bible.com/bible/116/sng.5.9.NLT Love you all, I pray this blesses you!!! Jaysie Sheppard Hello Ladies it's Jaysie Sheppard here. I was thinking this week about my hair and how I enjoy doing different looks. As I was taking down my braids I started to remember my natural color and how that sandy blond highlights are no longer in my hair. From wearing braids and wigs the sun no longer hits it so my color has left. I sometimes like to keep it out and see the beauty in freeing it back to the sun. I felt the breeze hit my scalp. It was still damp from me washing it and I can feel the air drying every curl. I was completely comfortable of letting my hair out, and letting me be me. I thought to myself I felt this all my life, my hair has memories. My memories as a child comes with my hair. I also have bad memories. I remember negative words of others talking about my hair and my hair image, as if it belonged to them. I can remember feeling bad for my hair because it wasn't it’s fault it grows this way. My hair hair just wanted to be itself and why does anyone have the right to judge that.
Men have said things about my hair that made me began to judge my hair too. I stop having a relationship with my hair. We used to be best friends and we would try all kinds of styles. We were free together, we did everything together, and we didn't care together. Then I broke up with my hair and became friends with the judgements of others. I started to listen to what men said or people said. I started to hate my hair, I started to want to be anything that this man wanted my hair to be. I now have a broken relationship with my hair image. My hair was no longer free. My hair became someone else's image and not God's anymore. I know many people that struggle with understanding God's completeness of who we are in God's image. Your hair and the way you want to wear it is between you and God. I have a friend who recently felt this judgement of her hair from her husband and she almost felt she had to break up with her hair. Her husband's judgement made her question her relationship with her hair and then question her relationship with her husband. Does he own my hair’s image? Does my husband have the right of being the head of my home to make judgement on how God made my hair, and what I do to it? As she laid out her beautiful hair on what he called “ the dirty cement”, next to the jacuzzi to cool down from the bubbling hot water, judgement came to break her up with her hair. She was saddened because she didn't want to break up with her image in God. She didn't want to be someone else's image. Even though she loved this person, does that mean she can't be more in love with God's image of herself? Let me answer this quickly !!! Absolutely, Positively, Not!! Every piece of our bodies every cell in our skin and every hair on our head belongs to God and is made in his image and THAT ALONE ……..( scream it ladies) ….IS ENOUGH!!! “And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” Luke 12:7 NLT God says how valuable you are to him even by your hair. Can you tell me of a time when someone tried to get you to break up with your hair? Can you tell me a time when judgement broke your heart and made you question your relationship with your Godly hair image? speak life on yourselfHello everyone this topic is so important to me because it took me such a long time to understand who I am. I even struggle now honestly, but God always reminds me who I am in him. I was confused most of my life that my identity depended on words of others and I began to identify myself with everything in the world. I especially depended on what men thought about me, which took the place where God should be at in mind and heart. I didn't know I was suppose to identify myself with God and what he says about me. As my relationship grew stronger with God, I started to know who I really am. So about four years ago I found some beautiful words that aligned in what the Word of God says about who I am. I put this up all over my house and read it with my daughter everyday. She even began to memorize it and now we try to say as a family as often as we can. Speaking life into ourselves is so uplifting. Though sometimes I still doubt my own words and question if its true. I have to keep saying to myself I might not think its true but God says its true. Its a battle because I have heard so many negative words about me, but I just have to believe I know who I am in God. Do you know who you are? Do you believe who God says who you are, or do you struggle thinking this way at times too? |
Beauty all alone blog.